December 07, 2015

Letting go

Hi everyone. In case for those who missed my writing, (I doubt there will be any) I'm sorry for being off for so long. I don't want to ramble without really much of a purpose in mind. Anyway, everglow by coldplay is so beautiful I love them thanks for coming back, ghost story was okay but it was more mellow than usual so I like new catchy coldplay, they're fun and full of rhythm so yeah.

I'm writing this from Wales, from the Great Britain. Yes I'm at UK, yes I made it. And alhamdulillah for that. Honestly I never made it, it was He who made it happen, so All praise to Him. Anyway, I'm in the foreign land now that speaks different language and having a different culture. Different everything actually, it's fun. It's fascinating really (for the first month) then it became a routine, and honestly it's pretty usual, common.  The only thing that still remain different are the challenges. They differ from day to day. And I think it's okay for that. I love challenges.

The reason I chose to talk here today is because I'm so pissed off. 

Of how appearance can deceive people.
Of how there are certain things that I can never let go.

Of how being strong doesn't always mean to know how to punch another person as strong as you can.
But being strong is more than that. 
Being strong is having a stand in your life and know to never cross it.
Know to do anything to protect it.
PROTECT YOUR DIGNITY, in however way possible.
To never cross the line.

I thought I could let this issue just go away but I can't.
I'm so mad because I'm so close but I were unable to change anything.
I was late.
I was being way too optimistic.
I was being way too cautious.
That I only managed to protect and unable to grab others with me.

I'm mad at myself now.

For the thing that I'm able to see and feel.
But I didn't acknowledge.

But I guess there are things that are beyond my reach.
And letting go, is the only route that was left for me to take.

Terima kasih Tuhan yang sentiasa meletakkan rasa dalam jiwa.
Moga kau titipkan deria ini pada mereka yang aku cinta.