About Me

Hi guys, it's me, your girl. My full name is Nur Fazira, hence the anagram; Azrranufi. Nothing much here, just me rambling on random topics and stuff, and likely trying my best to appear philosophical nor poetic (in which I failed for both, obviously). 

A psychology graduate from Cardiff University (needed to state this because most of my previous post are all about Cardiff), and no, no matter how hard I tried to, I can never read your mind.

I have many aspirations in life, but sadly can never keep up with them from time to time.

I'm very mundane, very simple, love sweet things and also a weeb. 

And so, overall, I am really just an average girl that enjoys writing her blog (eventhough most of it is full of crap).

So if you're a sucker for all things mundane, you're at the right place.

and enjoy!
