April 03, 2018


Hi everyone!

Just a random update.
It's 3rd April now wow, time flies so fast. 23 days to submitting my FYP. I'm so nervous oh god. I'm a bit slow, I'm not sure if I'm gonna panic my way through the last two weeks or what, but I'm gonna make sure I did my best for my fyp. It's literally 40% of my whole degree oh godness, I'm so scared. Please pray that I got good marks for my fyp!

Other than that, how about some life update?
Life's good so far. It is hectic, and scary and also confusing as heck because it's the transition. Adulting isn't exactly what you had in mind when you first thought about it when you were just a little kid, imagining living life like a successful human being you saw in the tv. So yeah, I was confused, I was scared, I was unsure.

I honestly went along with life.
I was dead sure that I won't be having a good life that easy.
I have this premonition that I'd fail badly and everything in my life will crumble apart. It is scary how dead set I am on things like this. I was sure that I would fail eventually.

Wooah. That some depressing shit right there.

And I got to be honest it is.
It is depressing shit.
and maybe I was depressed (emotionally not clinically).

But more than that, I was doubting my Lord.
The one who Gives.

and one of His way of subtle telling,
is that,
he made sure that I know He is All-Giver, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

I got an unconditional offer job guys.

It was honestly, all, His blessings.
I told you guys I was going to attend two interviews right? I got one of those. I will start working in KL after graduating. Honestly it's the first interview that I went too, and I got offer a job immediately as a psychologist.

I swear, I went to the interviews with no hopes.
I tell myself that I would never get it.
I'm trash, nobody would want me. 
I told myself, 'go there and gain some experience, it's okay, you're growing'.

And He made sure I get it.
To tell me that I should stop doubting Him.
 I should stop thinking that He can't give me all this things.

Telling me,
that He is always near.

that I will always be sufficient, if He wills it.
And He can.

 Now I am trying my best to finish my degree.
I won't lie; I still have tinsy bits of doubt and feelings of insecurity on everything.
I still think that I am not good enough.

But I will try my best.
and knows that if I put my all,
He will help me, in His own ways.

all I need to do is to believe.