July 30, 2014

thin air

I hate people who suddenly walks away.
Because I felt rejected.
Without knowing why.

Therefore basically I hate myself.
As I myself,
do that a lot: walking away.

Well I'll make myself clear.
Even though my 'clear' is always still very very shady and not clear at all as I like to beat around the bushes.
cover my words layer by layer with uncertainty until you may not know what I want in real.
But that's what I'm good at.

haven't I told you I am very cunning.
Like a fox,
and somehow adapt the same cuteness they have.
hahaha ok that one is a lie.

But here's the thing.
I have a thing in my mind, an agenda that needs to be done.
Of me, fading into thin air.

But here's the thing, I don't want to hurt any soul, as it goes against my values.
But fading will definitely left a hole in the soul of my people.
And therefore here I am in a dilemma.

of either being a thin air.
or left a hole inside of my own soul.

I have these two options.
Of either hurting, or to get hurt.

you're a bliss, and you're also a scar.
I see you and I see happiness,
but it's the kind of happiness that aches.
and I have let myself get hurt over and over again that I can no longer let myself aches.

so you're the happiness that aches.
And I have to let you go.

Will you let me disappear into thin air?

July 05, 2014


Hidup ni roda.
Kejap awak dekat atas.
Kejap awak dekat bawah.
Kadang tu roda awak boleh pancit.
Atau meletup.

Dan kali ni Allah bagi awak rasa duduk dekat bawah.
Sebab awak dah selesa sangat duduk dekat atas lama sangat kan.
Allah bagi awak rasa sakit tergelincit terkehel ni.

Awak tak payah nak salahkan sesiapa.
Even kalau awak tau ada salah orang lain ke hapa ke dah tak guna dah sekarang.
Sebab yang penting sekarang salah awak.
Awak tak fokus.
Awak tak ready.
Awak banyak sangatttttt sangatttt main.
Awak terlalu carefree.

Jadi sekarang Dia lempang awak.
Sebab Dia sayang awak.

Sakit perit tu takpayah simpan lama lama. Awak nak simpan jadi pekasam nak buat apa kan? Benda dah jadi.

Hah ni, dia bagi awak peluang kedua awak amek elok elok.
Awak buat betul betul.

Dan kalau.
Andai kata kalau.

Awak memang takde rezeki dekat situ.
Awak redha lah.
Walaupun pahit awak telan lah.
Awak kan kuat.

Mama akak semua kata awak kuat.
So kuatkan lah diri awak.
Yang bagi awak rezeki Dia.

Bukan orang lain.

Dan hati yang terluka.
Mohon awak sembuh cepat.
Kita ada battle lepas ni.

P/S: Oh luahan hati sbb tak lepas pointer JPA. Tu je.