January 03, 2020

2019 Burrito.

Recap on 2019

I’m in the office, with no more task at hand. So here I am, thinking that I should not waste anymore of my time, and start writing. So, I’d figured that I will try my best to recap as many great and best moments in 2019. In no particular order at all, here we go:

  1. Went to Singapore twice. One with my best friend and another one with my sibs, partying 2019 away at USS.
  2. Passed my Company Exam on the first try(!) to verify my position in the company. Which is awesome, as the exam was excruciatingly annoying and very school-like. My hand and my brain hurt for the span of 3 days. But I guess staying late to do flash revision (the only revision I did is a night before the exam) is totally worth it. 
  3. Reunion with my Cardiff girls! Best weekend ever. I totally missed Alia’s chatter and izyan clinginess as well as Dayah’s blur expressions. Totally my babies. Tried to find Aina, but I guess we need to let her be, in her own space and her own time, and gradually if she wanted to come back at us, we’ll be here. The trip to find her ended with tears and sobbing but I guess that’s just how life is. Some people stay, some just ghost away. And it’s okay. We’ll be okay.
  4. Constant meetup with my bebigels at KL! Have a meetup with rabbiaa, aini’s (a few times, love this one so much), nurul, and azuin!! (order is based on how far they are from me lol).
  5. Knowing my best friend is knocked up! And I’m going to be aunty faz soon! It’s crazy how the timeline differed for each one of us. Also, my best friend is getting married soon! So excited, we’re all growing up.
  6. In a relationship for the first time. (still can’t believe this happened after 4 years).
  7. Actually, managed to write a book! All on my own? Even if it’s for my company (lol) And getting it published around the first or second week of 2020. Crazy shit.
  8. Ayah get to do his first umrah! So so so so happy for him!
  9. Managed to spend for my loved ones. Providing them with accommodation, treating them to dinner and lunch whenever I wanted is a blessing.
  10. Bought my first car?! I named her V, and it’s a she obviously because yall know somehow, I’m quite a feminist, and that I love girls a tad bit too much. (some people probably think I’m gay lol)

Well, I guess life went pretty okay this year. My take out for 2019? Slow. It’s very very slow. My life is always fast paced, and so sitting in the office and having to figure out what I should do is, kinda torturing. It’s a slow torture. But nevertheless, it was a great year.

I found out that I am capable of liking someone, and maybe worthy of love too. I’m getting there, still needed a lottttttt to improve, but I’m trying to break my wall, bit by bit. With a pace of a sloth, there’s no denying that.

Just the usual bunch, me and my favorite sister on vacation mode at Grand Lexis (splendid place btw, such love). Akak was so 'comot', so I try to fix her while nagging, as per usual haha.

Hopefully in 2020, I’ll be a cheetah. I’ll be better.

Maybe I’ll be worthy.

Happy New Year everyone! xx

1 comment

  1. Sis, I giggled at no 6 knowing how the history begins. Nevertheless, im so happy for you both hihi. May 2020 brings us more happiness and rezeki for our loved ones! :>
