April 01, 2014


Because somehow it feels wrong.
In a lot of way.

This is not me.

This is not me, usually.
Wait, it's not me.

It's the people around me that makes me feels somewhat wrong somewhere.

Oh dear lord,
The One that Love more than anything else.
Love me as I am now confused with your creation,
guide me.
And guide them.

Guide them to be this type of people who will love someone else because of You.
Simply because of You.

And help me.
To push away those people that love me not because of You.
Because my heart and my soul will be forever devoted for You and only You.

And help me.
To get through all of this.

Help me.
To handle all of this with care and gentle.
With kindness that you lend to us, in bits of atomic sizes.
With warmness that will light them up and not melt them down.
As I right now, is just being simply me.
And no other.

Clear their views on me.
And let them only see me as me.

And not for what they think I'm supposed to be.

your confused slave that longs for your attention more
than your creation.

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