March 16, 2014

few more days.

I'm counting days,

We're almost there.

Cuak tak cuak? Cuak gila kot. Aku tak rasa aku dah masuk mood crook. I can see the flow. But I'm still keeping something. Maybe sebab semua benda ni baru lagi. Aku bukan jenis open. Aku tak senang nak act. I need time, I have my own pace. Tapi tak bermaksud aku takkan bagi aku punya all out. Perhaps when the time comes, with the right pressure, I'll give you my all you've never been able to see before.

less than berapa hari je weh.

Hati aku dah melayang kat memana ni.

Seram sejuk.

Aku tak pernah pikir nak menang ke kalah. Aku cuma pikir apa aku buat ni tajdid niat dia lillahitaalah. Semua sebab Dia. Menang kalah tu adat. Yang aku tau aku nak bagi everything.

walaupun nampak everything aku sekarang still tak berapa nak everything lagi.
tapi percayalah aku tengah cuba.



  1. "To win and to lose are the custom of a game"

    I am sure that you have given your best, alhamdulillah.
    Next time, may He grant you the strength to knock them unconscious, insyaAllah.

