January 19, 2015


it's 0119 19 January 2015.
It's 2015 and just like everyone else, I wished for a change.
And change comes, inevitably.

I got new roomates lol not that new, just that Sahi swap room with Alia (my former roomate) so we have new atmosphere in the house. And just like most of you can imagine, with Sahi in the room, my life couldn't get anywhere near dull with this talkative attractive bright little lady. 

Second, because my first month of 2015 is full with exam as I am currently taking my AS exam (Ya Allah let Fazira Kamaludin get 15 for her AS exam amin) *thanks for praying for me to anyone reading this :) So I've been developing this habit of praying at the most earliest time, straight after adhaan and I'll be on my knees to the One and Only. A habit that I should've done since the earliest of time I could distinguish between the act of Jannah or Jahanam. And yet after 20 years of living did I accomplish this. And Wallahi, those calmness when you pray on time, those blessed feelings can never be utter or type onto words. They are there, vanishing all those squirmy feelings you have in your heart and breath happiness onto your soul. I guess that's a step one in feeding your soul. I mean I kept feeding my tummy not remembering that my soul is the one that is everlasting and yet I let it starve, and day by day it rots a little bit. So, I have reflected on that and 2015 give me the chance for my soul to be whole again. 

Third, Sahi developed this habit of going Subuh at Surau and so this affected on me, jemaah at surau and by tomorrow it'll be my third day jemaah at Surau for Subuh, another attempt of me trying to feed my soul. And by jemaah at Surau, my whole five prayers will be complete, at the earliest time. This post is not a bragging I swear to Allah. There is nothing for me to brag as I am still his Worst servant trying to find her way back to Him. But insha Allah if I can let this habit of mine constant, istiqamah, then it would be great.

And fourth, I have to change class for the last sem. No more Nottingham which is super saiya sad cause I started to treasure my class, I personally believe that my class have a set of the most unique people and each one of us is so different and so special on our own. To have left that is saddening, but still we can always see each other, seek for help if we need to, I mean I only change class not like I change state: not yet. My new class will be called as newquay: rather odd isn't the name? And dominated by girls as 97% of the new class population is girl-genre so I have no idea what that would be but I hope everything is going to be fine. Insha Allah.

2015 by far is kinda special.
Kinda new and off the track,
But a best kind of unusual.

If 2015 is a track to go back to you my Rabb.
Then don't let me go astray.
Ihdinal sirattol mustaqim.
And forever guide me,
to the straight path.

To your path.
To you.
Cause there's nowhere I want to be, 
Except towards you.
With you.

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