February 10, 2018


(n) a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.

I was pretty astounded upon realizing the fact that I have less than six months here in Cardiff. Exactly almost four years ago I wouldn't even imagine being here, I simply put Cardiff as my firm choice because I was dead set determined that I would never get in here. I was a poor student (in term of performance in academic wise) back when I was studying in Intec and I wasn't even trying to humblebrag or whatever, I was honestly and genuinely a very poor student, not passing my AS (I got a 10) and not repeating enough paper (because I hate accounting and I don't want to repeat the paper cause it'll be such a drag). There was basically a very sheer hope of me passing, but like every human being on the planet, we hold on onto hope and do our best, as well as prayed for the best. Kerah was pretty much my best buddy that has the same interest in psychology, and she was the one that decided to put Cardiff as the firm option, and I simply am the person who followed without much of a question. I'm so simple-minded it's amazing that I can actually get this far, I mean I swear God helped me in so many ways because otherwise, I might be in the ditch somewhere for just being such a simpleton. But yeah, that's basically it. The story of how I get to be here in Cardiff, where I'm dead sure I won't be here is such an amazing way of His planning, isn't it? I planned and was pretty confident that even if I passed I'll only be able to be in Edinburgh because Cardiff requirement was so high I never see myself getting pass it (and I still didn't get to score the way the requirement wanted, but they accepted me anyway. Also, His work.)

So that's a little bit of history how I ended up being here in Cardiff. I feel surreal typing this. I felt that everything that happened in Intec was so fresh it burns into when I recalled it, such vividness. Yet, here I am, in my final year here in Cardiff, and in my final semester of the year. Time passes by so swiftly. 

I'm getting homesick already it's insane.
There is no way I can survive living in other places except Cardiff. This place is my safe haven. Literally. I love my home and my country but there are no other places in the world that provide me this sense of security and warmth that I enjoyed during my stay here. Cardiff is not the best city in the world, but I can assure you it's the cosiest. Everywhere I go in Britain, I would still want to be back in Cardiff, even though I'm pretty sure Cardiff is quite boring, there's not much places to hang and not much attraction to brighten up your days. Nevertheless, I still love it the most.

Night walks home from the library and walking aimlessly will surely be missed,
Random chat with the lovely cashier here will surely be missed,
Store staffs gretting you and calling you 'lovely' will surely be missed,
Impromptu walk to the Bute Park will surely be missed,
Getting confuse with the buses here will surely be missed,
Figuring out short-cuts and accessing new routes on my own will surely be missed,

I swear it wasn't all rainbow here in Cardiff, but I will still miss it. I'm determined to make more memories now, so I will try to go out as much as I can, just to watch and see people, and the scenery.

Ah my love(s), Cardiff is such a beauty that warm up the soul.
I can only wish to bring all of you here, to be here with me.

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