June 03, 2014


You know what, when I was at the age of 12-13 I have developed this writing habit.

Before I even have a blog.

I write.

I write stories.

You know those times when we still use the big computer, yeah those times. I write stories, short one. Because my imagination just couldn't stop running wild.

And then my mom bought a laptop, the compaq which is heavy.
And I continued writing there. I wrote 2-3 stories, kind of like a novel. There were good, I still remember some of the stories at the back of my head, there were good stories. I'm not sure about the grammar maybe not as good as I am now, *which is not really good either* but I'd reckoned that it was quite awesome for a 12 to 13 years old to write 9-10 pages of full english written story.

That is me, a few years back.
Before I even have this blog.

An avid dreamer I might say, I was before this.

And now I still have a lot of stories going on inside my mind, you know sometimes I create a movie in just one night in my head, and my movie was awesome. *flips hair*

But the thing is now, I don't really write stories.
Which is sad, whenever I want to start writing stories I just figured that it wouldn't received any feedback. Or maybe I might get tired cause I have this tendency to get bored easily. What's even funnier is that now I have my own laptop and writing would be easy. Writing would be a piece of cake, with this technology and all.

But things just kept getting on the way. Or maybe it's just me, and my excuses.
Human, and our excuses huh?

And so I decided to write again. Tonight.
After this.
When I have ideas.
I'll try to draft it out, and make sure that at least one of my stories, or ideas finished before the end of this sem break. I really hope I do. And I really hope I finished reading all of the books that I've bought.

For dreams ey?

For dreams it is.

P/s: I love that sensation you have when you write. I miss it and I hope I can feel it soon.

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